Yes it is meaning in tamil 252592

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Yes it is meaning in tamil

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Via GIPHY Speaking of "ji," this is another word that holds the purpose of implying respect, but in two different waysIt means "yes" in Hindi Informally, one would say "haan" (literally "yes" by itself), but if you were answering to an elder or relative with a "yes," then you would reply with a "ji Ji is also a prefix/suffix used at the end of titles or sentences as aHi, I have the following doubtCould you please clarify, that would be appreciated Can we also say amma in tamil is same meaning of Madam in English I knew that Madam in English can also be called in tamil like, ammani or simati or thiruvati My question is, can we also say amma To my understanding is, amma in tamil can be used for two different ways, One is for motherYesIt is a cent percent pure Tamil word The correct phrase is "peNveettukkaaranபெண்வீட்டுக்காரன்" The phrase that is given for English meaning as "ponnuveetukkaranபொண்ணுவீட்டுக்காரன்" is colloquial

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